Bringing men of all ages together to share their skills, have a laugh and work on practical projects.

8 William St, Ashburton



Ashburton Menzshed Facilities

Thanks to generous donors, we have a large well equipped workshop

Woodwork Workshop

The assembly area has five workbenches and a huge range of hand tools for working on projects. In the next room are all the noisy and dust making machines connected to the dust extraction system.

Metalwork/Engineering Workshop

Another large workroom with a welding area, lathes and milling machines.

Paint Shed

A shed for finishing projects with a range of paints, varnishes and stains available.


A community garden growing seasonal vegetables for members and community pantries.

Computer Suite

Several computers are available for learning IT skills such as internet banking, researching projects on YouTube or designing projects with CAD.


A collection of books and magazines on shed related topics. Brochures and other resources for men’s health and well-being.

Kitchen & BBQ

Smoko is an important part of the day in the shed. Tea, coffee and often cakes or biscuits are available. A BBQ and outdoor seating is also available.

First Aid and Defibrilator

In the event of an emergency

Shelter Station

A large covered area for working on bigger projects.

“This team of men are amazing. So full of knowledge. And very helpful with my project.”

Philippa Hanrahan

Satisfied customer

  • See us at the FIX-IT FAIR

    See us at the FIX-IT FAIR

    Ashburton Library and Keep Learning Mid Canterbury are teaming up to offer Ashburton’s first Fix-It Fair on February First, 2025. Pop along to the library between 10am and 1pm where you’ll find volunteers from local community groups able to fix your items or help you make a plan for where to get the item fixed…

  • New Saturday Hours

    After our trial of opening on Saturdays in June and July we are pleased to announce that the shed is now open on Saturdays from 9am-12pm.

  • Now OPEN Saturdays

    Now OPEN Saturdays

    We are now open on Saturdays from 9am to 2pm in June and July as a trial. We hope men who usually work during the week will take advantage of the extended hours.

  • OPEN Days

    OPEN Days

    To celebrate our 10th anniversary, the shed will be open to the public: 9am – 2pm Tue 21 May, Wed 22 May, Fri 24 May, Sat 25 May

  • Celebrating 10 Years

    Celebrating 10 Years

    The Ashburton Menzshed Inc was established in 2014 and so we are looking forward to celebrating our 10th anniversary in May. The shed will be open to the public, we will host a hub meeting for the other Menzsheds in the region and celebrate with a dinner.

Become a member

We recommend visiting the shed, getting a tour around and meeting the men, but if you can’t wait, sign up below and fill out the paperwork.