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Author: admin
New Saturday Hours
After our trial of opening on Saturdays in June and July we are pleased to announce that the shed is now open on Saturdays from 9am-12pm.
Now OPEN Saturdays
We are now open on Saturdays from 9am to 2pm in June and July as a trial. We hope men who usually work during the week will take advantage of the extended hours.
To celebrate our 10th anniversary, the shed will be open to the public: 9am – 2pm Tue 21 May, Wed 22 May, Fri 24 May, Sat 25 May
Celebrating 10 Years
The Ashburton Menzshed Inc was established in 2014 and so we are looking forward to celebrating our 10th anniversary in May. The shed will be open to the public, we will host a hub meeting for the other Menzsheds in the region and celebrate with a dinner.